
美國新貿易政策 或能損人利己

最近,報章不時報導美國的新貿易政策,總統奧巴馬及其幕僚曾經提出「BUY AMERICA」的言論,意思是美國往後推出的經濟措施都要把開支花費在美國各個製造業上,以支持本地的經濟為主。對此,中國尤其反對,主因是美國出口佔了中國出口的30%,而整體出口亦佔中國GDP增長37.5%;在金融海嘯下,出口本身已經身處在困境之中,假若連美國也大幅度改為買美國貨,中國出口的跌幅將會相當驚人。

歷史因素 成反對貿易保護主義主因





4 則留言:

Unknown 說...

Larry, first of all congratulations on your achievements. Your parents must be very proud of your accomplishments todate; I also applaud you on your expressed desire to help the less fortunate.
My humble opinion on the subject is as follows.
US is a great nation - warts and all. Notwithstanding its far from perfection in everything it does - Churchill says it best "The Americans ususally gets it right, after they have tried everything else", its RELATIVE transparency and free markets will enable it to recover with quickness and resiliency. In the late 80s to the early 90s, it suffered a mini crisis in the sunbelt states (in overlending in Property markets), and recovered a few years latter. Difference that round was there were little bailouts used. This round will take longer, as the wounds are deeper and wider. I am of the view the recovery (of sorts) will commence way past 2010. Conventional stock cycles and analysis simply ignores the severity and completely different nature of the sunami now. As far as China goes, as long as there are endemic corruption, the future is not optimistic, no matter how many trillions are thrown at the fire now raging. Economics 101s simply states that corruption simply ensures the misallocation of resources. Looking at the window dressing type of rescue in Szechuan, I am not as optimistic as others. I apologize for blogging in English, as I can speak / read but not that fluent in written Chinese, having been educated overseas mostly.

匿名 說...

你好嗎 我叫Louis係newspaper度認識你 想問下你對中國電企睇法 我已經買左貸 Thankyou

Larry Hung 說...


Thanks so much for your recognition and support! I surely agree that the global economy will take a longer period for recovery and 2010 would be an approximate year. For China, the key point is that whether it can transform the whole economy, from a exporting economy into a internal consumption economy. Although there are still many areas that require improvement, I am holding a bright view towards its future.
Thanks a lot!

謝謝你的留言! 我認為電力企業將會繼續面對著困難的一年,但是具體情況要看看是否再有國家的支持。

匿名 說...
